Mold Removal: Hire the Pros

mold removal miami

Mold Removal: Hire the Pros

Mold Removal: Hire the Pros 940 788

Mold can be a serious problem in homes, potentially leading to health issues and extensive damage if left unchecked. If you have a mold issue, you may be tempted to try DIY mold removal methods you find online to save money. However, attempting mold removal without proper training and equipment can be ineffective and even make the problem worse. Here’s why you should hire a professional mold removal company rather than trying to tackle it yourself:

Proper Identification

Professionals can accurately identify the type of mold, which is important for using the right removal methods. Some mold is toxic, like black mold, and requires hazmat-level remediation. DIY tests and identification can be inaccurate.

Safe Mold Removal

Mold releasing spores into the air during removal can be hazardous. Professionals use protective equipment like respirators and contain and capture spores. DIY methods often spread spores around.

Addressing Root Causes

The source of moisture allowing mold growth must be addressed or it will return. Professionals determine causes and make repair recommendations you may not know about.

Avoiding Spreading

Specialized tools, containment barriers and air scrubbers are used by professionals to keep mold contained. DIY methods can unintentionally spread mold to other areas.

Complete Eradication

Professionals use lab testing to confirm all mold is removed after remediation. Mold hidden in walls or under materials can grow back if missed.

Restoration Services

Many companies offer repair and rebuilding services to restore damaged areas after mold cleanup. DIY mold removal just leaves you with an empty space still in need of repair.

Insurance Claims

Professional invoices and mold inspection reports can assist insurance claims for remediation costs. DIY repair records may not be accepted.

When it comes to mold removal, the adage “you get what you pay for” is generally true. Attempting do-it-yourself methods to save money may seem appealing, but the risks and potential to make the problem worse simply aren’t worth it. Hiring a trained professional mold remediation company is the safest, most effective way to rid your home of mold.

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